Zodiac Forecast 2022

Year Born / 出生年份:
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Snake (蛇)
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Snake (蛇)
Star Ranking / 星星指数:
Luck / 运程:
5 Star(s)
Wealth/ 财富运:
5 Star(s)
Health / 健康运:
4 Star(s)
Career / 事业运势:
4 Star(s)
Lucky Directions / 幸运方向:
Lucky Number / 幸运号码:
People born in the year of the Rooster are the luckiest this year, enjoying good wealth and success. With lucky stars watching over you, you will be surrounded by benefactors. Despite your busy work schedule, you know how to maintain a good
work-life balance. Don’t worry about troubling others. Learning how to give and take goes a long way. This year, you can look forward to career advancement and harmonious relationships with colleagues and partners. However, pay attention to
your health and safety to avoid unexpected disasters.
With the support of benefactors, you can expect smooth-sailing wealth luck with significant gains and possible windfall. This year, proper life planning is required in order to achieve your financial goals. Income for salaried workers will
increase, and you will get a satisfactory year-end bonus. Under the good management of entrepreneurs and businesspeople, your business maintains efficiency with improvements in product and service standards. This may be a good time to consider
Amidst smooth-sailing progress in life, you enjoy a positive state of mind that allows you to handle all matters with ease. In general, you do not need to worry about major health threats. Even when you suffer from minor ailments, you can get
good treatments easily. Nonetheless, you should exercise regularly to maintain good health. This year, pay extra attention to your safety and stay focused when you are driving. Do not over-drink while socialising, and never drink and drive.
Besides achieving success in work transformation, your innovation plans will be recognised. There will be many opportunities to show your capabilities and upgrade your skills. With outstanding performance at work, you will undoubtedly become a
core team member. Businesspeople who stay down-to-earth, endure hardships and apply wisdom at crucial moments will enjoy success. However, the Calamity Star can bring possible failure, especially when you become conceited with your
achievements. Remember to always stay humble and polite when dealing with others.
Colours of Fortune / 幸运色:

Lucky Colours / 开运颜色:
NP AC 2069 A
NP AC 2074 A
NP R 1332 T
NP AC 2068 A
NP AC 2067 A
NP YO 1199 T