Zodiac Forecast 2022

Year Born / 出生年份:
1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Pig (猪)
1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Pig (猪)
Star Ranking / 星星指数:
Luck / 运程:
2 Star(s)
Wealth/ 财富运:
1 Star(s)
Health / 健康运:
1 Star(s)
Career / 事业运势:
2 Star(s)
Lucky Directions / 幸运方向:
Lucky Number / 幸运号码:
This will be a challenging year for those born in the year of the Rat. Obstacles are inevitable with the absence of lucky stars, but resilience is key. You may feel greater stress as unlucky stars lurk around; causing you to become irritable
and anxious. Such emotions will affect your health and put a strain on relations in the long run. Hence, you must try to stay calm and avoid overreacting. Practise deep breathing from time to time, and let the moment pass before making hasty
Amidst unfavourable wealth luck, you may have to tap into your savings this year. However, this could lead you to tighten your budget, reducing living expenses and investments. The more you worry about your finances, the more you may overreact.
Try to take things easy, and don’t scrimp on the necessary. This year, consider leaving some budget to upgrade and upskill.
The Disaster Star may affect your health and personal safety this year. As you strive for your career, remember to maintain a routine of healthy meals and rest. Although changes in your life may cause you to be beside yourself, keep an open
mind when dealing with the situation. Pay attention when driving or crossing the road or you may face dire consequences.
Being overly focused on small gains may cause you to miss the chance to display your full capability. When that happens, continue forward and do your best. This year, it is important to keep calm and not act impulsively. You may feel
discouraged by constant obstacles, but focus on doing your tasks well. In formulating core business strategies, use your strengths to maximise opportunities. The devil lies in the details, so think carefully before making decisions.
Colours of Fortune / 幸运色:

Lucky Colours / 开运颜色:
NP BGG 1566 P
NP PB 1549 T
NP N 1988 A
NP OW 1062 P
NP PB 1540 A
NP PB 1527 D