Zodiac Forecast 2022

Year Born / 出生年份:
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Rabbit (兔)
Rooster (鸡)
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Lucky Zodiac Matches/生肖贵人:
Rabbit (兔)
Rooster (鸡)
Star Ranking / 星星指数:
Luck / 运程:
2.5 Star(s)
Wealth/ 财富运:
2 Star(s)
Health / 健康运:
2 Star(s)
Career / 事业运势:
2 Star(s)
Lucky Directions / 幸运方向:
Lucky Number / 幸运号码:
Those born in the year of the Dragon have no support from lucky stars this year, causing mood swings and pessimism. The presence of unlucky stars adds fuel to the fire, making you listless and indecisive. Everyone has a vulnerable side. In
tough situations, seek help from those you trust. 2022 is a good year for further studies or to upskill. Don’t be too quick to reject new knowledge. Listening and learning more will provide you with more choices for a new start.
Set a spending limit, as tight finances may cause worry. Plan your budget well, especially if you are low on savings, as there will be unexpected expenses this year. Businesspeople should adopt a conservative approach and look into rectifying
gaps in your company’s internal operating policies. Consider organising team-building activities to boost teamwork and morale. Take a wait-and-see approach in investments and avoid over-leveraging or acting recklessly with money.
Despite having ample rest, you may still feel listless for people and things around you. While you may try to hide negative thoughts, others can easily notice them. Instead of suppressing your emotions, consider confiding in your loved ones.
Otherwise, this will take a mental and physical toll on you in the long run. Go outdoors to enjoy the beautiful scenery and incorporate moderate exercise to relax your mind and soul.
This year, it is important to maintain a manageable pace at work. Do not put all your eggs in one basket or implement wholesale reforms without due thoughts. Draw up a comprehensive plan with contingencies, or you could be thrown off when
unforeseen problems arise. With little prospects of promotion or salary increment, you may consider changing jobs; however, it may be in your best interest to stay put and pull your weight. Business owners leading traditional enterprises
through business transformation should brace and prepare yourselves for challenges. Stay positive and turn stress into motivation to build a more sustainable business model.
Colours of Fortune / 幸运色:

Lucky Colours / 开运颜色:
NP BGG 1785 A
NP OW 1015 P
NP YO 1146 P
NP OW 1002 P
NP BGG 1673 A
NP YO 1141 A