Malaysia's No.1 Paint Brand

A Complete Bedroom Makeover That Won't Break The Bank

What’s usually the case when you move in – is that all the readily visible areas are the first to be decorated / renovated. Whatever budget is left for more personal/private areas usually ends up pretty slim. Let’s learn how to inject some personality into bedrooms while on a budget.

When you can’t decide between two colours

One solution to the dilemma of choosing your final colours – is to make the best of both worlds! There is always a compromise – and pairing up colours in stripes will create a fun effect but also add the effect of lengthened space in your room.

Here’s a Step-by-Step guide to achieve this look:

1. To be safe when choosing colours, always go with contrasting tones

2. Start painting your base layer thoroughly. Wait for it to dry (2hrs)

3. Mask your wall & start painting alternate colours.

4. Vertical stripes create an illusion of height!

Recommended Colour Schemes:

See how to make a difference on a budget here:

Brush Kenji Sakai

In Memory of
Mr. Kenji Sakai

EX-Chairman of the Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd.
0000 - 2018

The Management and Staff of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group
are saddened to share the news that our Ex-Chairman of the
Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd., Mr Kenji Sakai has
passed away on May 1, 2018.

We would like to take this day to mourn the loss of a
respected leader and a dear friend of ours as well as honour
his service and dedication in setting a great legacy here at
Nippon Paint.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Kenji Sakai.
May you rest in peace.