Malaysia's No.1 Paint Brand


Overview of Nippon Paint

Nippon In The News

Date Media Source Title
23 Dec, 2012 The Star Let Your Walls Speak
16 Dec, 2012 The Star Drama And Brilliance With Paint
16 Dec, 2012 Oriental Daily Nippon Paint
16 Dec, 2012 New Straits Times Sunway's Business School Benchmark For Quality
14 Dec, 2012 The Sun Designs On Platinum Prize
14 Dec, 2012 New Straits Times From Hokkien Opera To Salt-Making
14 Dec, 2012 New Straits Times KBU Students Paint Rosy Picture Of Interior Architecture
13 Dec, 2012 The Malay Mail New Definition To Works Of Art
13 Dec, 2012 The Star Awards Galore In Interior Architecture
13 Dec, 2012 Berita Harian Sarang Penyakit
12 Dec, 2012 The Star Awards Galore For KBU
07 Dec, 2012 New Straits Times Designing For Play
04 Dec, 2012 The Star Mixing It Your Way
04 Dec, 2012 Sin Chew Daily Momento Wallpaper Paint
03 Dec, 2012 The Star Congratulations To KBU's School Of Design
01 Dec, 2012 My HOME 2012 NPYDA Awardees
01 Dec, 2012 MARKETING Kancil Awards 2012
01 Dec, 2012 iProperty.com Malaysia Npyda 2012 Honours Young Eco Designers
01 Dec, 2012 SWEET HOME Nippon Momento
01 Dec, 2012 Glam Deko Nippon Paint
Brush Kenji Sakai

In Memory of
Mr. Kenji Sakai

EX-Chairman of the Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd.
0000 - 2018

The Management and Staff of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group
are saddened to share the news that our Ex-Chairman of the
Board at Nippon Paint Holdings Co Ltd., Mr Kenji Sakai has
passed away on May 1, 2018.

We would like to take this day to mourn the loss of a
respected leader and a dear friend of ours as well as honour
his service and dedication in setting a great legacy here at
Nippon Paint.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Mr. Kenji Sakai.
May you rest in peace.